Thursday 3 November 2011

And design activism

Politicisation on visual culture and media.

Ideology how it makes us feel and think.

What can designers do to change the situation were in.

Mirxist quote.
Often misinturpirated.
No point in just thinking without combining it with action.

Marxism is:
A political manifesto 1848
Still hasn't been achieved.

Philosophical method.

Lead to the rise of soviet union.

What is capitalism?

The stage of history in which we live in (west)

Soothe where control means of production ability to make money is held by Andre indviauls
Therefore individuals make loads of money.

Logic of a Market.
Everything is bought and sold.
People are almost commodotys in the same way shoes are.
Interactions involve around the logic of the Market.

System in which makes us because it's Market logic only the best succeed. Makes us compete.

School.. Compete classmates
Work - compete peers
Knife your fellow man.

Primitive communism.
As seen in cooperative tribal societies. everything is shared.

Society will get so far apart from each other.
People will start to gang together and overthrow ruling class..
Take over the state..
Run it for the history of people
Sharing the wealth.

Marx said the government will eventually fade away.

Society can be broken down into two distinctive.

Base - any given moment society will gave certain tools available to it. Forces of production.
In that base there is Relation of production.

Everything is a result of the forces of pricyiom.

Law politics art design education.
Traces back to issues of class gender politics racial political.
Everything bares that stamp.

Capitalism produces laws culture politics education
Which reflects capitalismt attitude.

education - schools.
The base are ones of bosses and workers and way the relation is the boss yells the workers what to do.

Marxist reading on education.

Marxist on religion.
The ultimate trap for the worker.
Mental control.. - if you suffer and you are poor at least you by a moral code and you will be rewarded in heaven.


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