Thursday 20 October 2011

Technology will liberate us

Originals and copies- copies can be pieces of work in their own right.
Technological reproduction. the extension of reproductive technology, gives the opportunity for the copy to be identical to the original.

- technology creates situations where the authority of something or someone can be challenged or questioned, technology makes it possible to ask questions of art or challenge/change the authority of art.
The copy challenges the original.
Walter Benjamin-the works of art in the age of mechanical reproduction-1936-Frankfurt school thinker.

Quotes at the start.. paul vallery- are fine art were developed, their types and senses establishes in times very different from the present.

Modernisation suggests changed in art

New knowledge re define what it is to be human etc.. things and ideologies are changing

Art is old and outdated
the modern world begins to challenge the ideas of art(old)

- marx on capitalism- remedy to over through capitalism- the lower classes rise up and over through the upper classes.
- condition created by mechanical reproduction- making it possible to over through capitalism.

- super structure- the different classes in society- the relationship between the classes-relationships the develop between master and boss- from this relations develops the super structure, which is the way you think about the world
religious, ideologies etc.

-PARA 2 society is rapidly developing i.e economy/technology.. there is a lag in the art..

-eternal value

what happens to art with mechanical reproduction...

weapons against outmoded concepts in particular...

-eternal value

- script comes reproducible.. knowledge became available from everyone. for the first time in human history.. rather than just monks. things are available to the masses.

- perfect reproduction of a piece of art- original has status over the copy. authenticity.
- authenticity can be proved through analysis.
- art becomes more accessible with the copies.. you don't need to go to a gallery to see a piece of art...are generation makes this much truer.. i.e internet etc.
- rip offs of the mona lisa(prints) they may not touch the monalisa itself.. but the mona lisa..becomes less amazing.. due to the rip offs. As its more accessible.

- aura is....
  • -creativity
  • -genius
  • -eternal value
  • -mystery
  • -authenticity
  • -original
  • -presence

In our age of reproduction the aura of works fades and in turn makes our work insignificant.
The reproduced object detaches itself from the domain of tradition.. .tradition itself is under attack..
So the context in which the copy it is seen in changes the meaning or gives us the opportunity to challenge that there is a single meaning to one work.

Cult- group of people with a common belief.
Art is the cult of beauty according to benjamin
Secular is the opposite of the religious.
Cult value -you get emotion from art.. only because the institution has come up with this way of u behaving not because you are emotional.
Traditional art has a cult element to it.
Exhibition value -once art becomes more exhibit able.. art begins to lose the cult value.

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