Monday 19 December 2011



In the initial Episode of a new BBC documentary entitled, ‘Secrets of the Superbrands,’ Alex Riley examines the similarity between Apple and religion. To what extent could this claim be true and what factors affect why some Apple fans become extreme followers of the technology brand?

6 main areas of the Essay

. Comparing and contrasting to what extent the claim by Alex Riley is true.

. Investigating how John Berger in his 1972 book entitled, ‘Ways of Seeing’, argues how companies similar to Apple, make us believe that is we buy the latest product on the market we will become a better version of ourself and be successful and more desirable within society, however as Berger states,“ we will be poorer by having spent our money” (Berger 1972.) In addition this essay will explore Berger’s term of ‘glamorisation’ and how this relates to Apple consumers.

. Exploring how some consumers relationship with Apple products has become obsessive. This essay will also reference Freud’s Psychoanalyst theory about object relations can be applied to how consumers relate their affections to their Apple products. Why, the result of this object relation may cause some Apple consumers to worship the company similar to a religion.

. This essay will also explore the study within the documentary that neuroscientists have undergone to prove that Apple products can ‘trigger a religious reaction.’

. Look at how the success of Apple has made them one of the most powerful and richest companies within the world and how this power can effect consumer’s beliefs.


Books -
Berger, J (1972) Ways of Seeing, London: Penguin Books ltd
Ollins, W (date) On Brand, where: who

Danziger, P (2006), Shopping: Why we love it and how retailers can create the ultimate customer experience, USA, Kaplan Publishing


Riley, A 2011, 'Superbrands' success fuelled by sex, religion and gossip',
Accessed 2nd December 2011

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