Thursday 3 March 2011

Post modernism

Post modernism a sprawling intellectual and cultural movement of the second part of the 20th century. It's a reaction or a rejection against modernism and a critical movement. Post modernism is moving on from modernism culturally by challenging traditional conventions. For example the apparent disregards for any sort of structure and authority. Postmodernists believed that, 'less was a bore' and rebelled against the restrictions set by a modernist way of thinking. In other words it attempts to think beyond the confines of the past.


God save the queen. JAMIE REID 1977
Something like this had never been seen before and was made to shock and offend. It featured letters in an inconsistent typeface cut out from newspaper in the style of a ransom note and the defacing of Queen Elizabeth II, defining the image of punk rock. What was even more provoking is that the record cover was controversially released on the same day as the Queens silver jubilee 11th June 1977. The use of parody here cannot be disputed as this is an obvious mocking of tradition there is a message that was intended to evoke sympathy for the English working class, and a general resentment of the monarchy. This could be analyzed as sending a message to the working class that you love them and they should be proud of themselves.

Coy, J (USA 1994) poster

Collages were also postmodern. This way of working was new and very much unlike traditional methods. It involved new textures and new compositions.

Although seen as "vandalism" to others graffiti is a good example of post modernism. It's a reaction to modernism. In this case - train carriages. Graffiti is taking all the principles of post modernism in terms of vibrant colours and unconventional type. Graffiti is more of a reaction to todays clean cut society. It's rebelling against authority, something that was very common in post modern art


Georges Pompidou National Center of Art and Culture
The architects of the Pompidou fully exposed the anatomy of this six-level building in order to make the metabolism visible. It's exterior also successfully exudes festiveness. Each element of the building is color-coded in order to denote function, as if it were a sophisticated factory. Red symbolizes movement of people, green means water, blue is for air-conditioning, and yellow displays electricity.

I-D terry jones.
An obvious rebellion against conventional design. This magazine cover became an icon for post modern graphic design in the 1980's. It's experimental and its striking colours it holds the characteristics of post modernist design.

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