Thursday 24 March 2011

Examples of Avant Garde design.

Adbusters Spoof ads

Avant garde aims to be progressive and can provoke social change . They can change a way certain people think or feel. The originial purpose of avant-gardism was to provoke social or political change, so advertisements, with their wide-spread accessibility seem the perfect format for modern day.
Ads can make people think in a different way and change their lifestyle. Here, adbusters have taken an already existing advert and twisted it to deliver a very serious message. We are used to adverts selling their products to consumers and being very positive about their products by highlighting or exaggerating the benefits of a product while this advert reveals the very real negative effects of drinking vodka. Adverts often show their products as being sexy and youthful. Glamour also plays a big part in advertising and this is showing the total opposite.
By doing this ADBUSTERS are re-assessing conventions, challenging the adverts that already exist through telling the other side to the story. 

A very different sort of avant garde. Here Stefan Sagmeister has used his own body as a canvas and has carved his message into his skin. This image is convtroversial and provoking as it's showing self harm which is a delicate issue amongst society. People of the public may avert their eyes from the poster which defeats the purpose of the poster but it could be argued that this was Segmiester's intention. Sagmeister challenges the conventions of a normal "canvas" and displays his information on unusual formats. He bends the rules of conventional design and so it loses its understandability 

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