Sunday 2 January 2011


Modernism is associated with the rise of capitalism and rational thinking it is something that happened in the west, the uk and europe in particular in terms of a different way of looking at the world. It is based partly on science,rational thought and proof. It can be summed up with one of the original philosophical terms "I think therefore I am" this meant " In short, I will only belive what i can see and what I can prove. When the world is viewed in this way, you can ignore the spiritual aspects of things. And in this culture there was a movement away from the fantasy and mystical into the factual and the things you can prove. Modernism can be seen as the belief in progress.

 Designers of the modern era believed that "less is more" and sought not to incorporate an aesthetic feature that did not serve a supporting function. The major theme of modernist architecture is form follows function.

An example of Bauhaus' modernist graphic design. It's use of sans serif fonts and layout suggest a very modern design.

"Fortune Magazine" (1953), Walter Allner
Bold and simple layout as well as it's basic colour pallet

FUTURA. (typeface)

A typeface inspired by the ideas of modernity ie. form follows function. The designer, Paul Renner believed that a modern typeface should express modern models, rather than be a revival of a previous design.

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